Language properties


Problem I am trying to solve: I know how to say it, I have said it, I know someone else can say it. Why my problem is important to solve: Who does it benefit? How much is it worth solving? Plan B: What other solution do I have for my problem? Is plan B implemented? Steps: I can articulate the steps to solve my problem I can point risks and unknowns in those steps Examples: I have used the project to solve actual problems Completion: I know what means to my project being complete Statistics: I know how to falsify my hypothesis. Test with users my project and disprove my assumptions. Efficiency: I know how long it takes to run the project. I know the minimal specs for my project to run I know the dependencies of my project Profile the generation I know how to optimize the generation Use case: I know the most common use cases of the project I know how programs wriiten in my project look lke in real life I know the acceptable range of pograms that can be written in my project I know what happens when someone goes out of that range Watch users use the project What is the part that they require most time for? I know to debug when something fails, even without source code, with built versions I can apply data oriented: I know what data I operate on I know how I act with cache This project gives back to the community.


M is a DSL Compiled External C-like concrete syntax textual Scratch like visual syntax Abstract syntax is a EMF model Strongly typed with implicit types Type inferred and validated No null reference, no type conversion error, no infinite loop Execution semantics: Game engine projects with assets Useful for non programmers Turing complete Efficient compilation Efficient generated code, native multi threaded Clean: Native support for DOD Full IDE support:

Small syntax Concise User defined abstractions: Files as libraries, functions for reusability, prefabs possibly nested Fast and volatile development of language No collections, all entities Big language scope: Most games M improves: